Ben the DBA



Just unzip the archive … several times …

Zip file

We have an encrypted Zip file: and a picture:

It's a Morse code representing the number 9. Thus, the password for should be 9.

Since we have 999 zip files like this, we need to write a script to automate the process.

Get the Hex Value of a PNG

First, let's get the hex value of the PNG:

convert *.png txt:-

There are 2 colors: #BC32D8 for the background and #FF3200 for the foreground.

convert *.png txt:- > hex.txt
grep "#FF3200" -C 1 hex.txt 

If there are 3 pixels, it's a -, if there is 1 pixel, it's a . and the - is a space. The code should be 98.

Convert to morse

grep "#FF3200" -C 1 hex.txt  | awk '{ print $3 }'

Now, let's format it in one line and replace the space with a random character:

grep "#FF3200" -C 1 hex.txt  | awk '{ print $3 }' | awk '!NF{$0=">"}1' | xargs

Now replace #FF3200 #FF3200 #FF3200 with - and #FF3200 with .. Then remove everything that is not -, . or >. Finally, replace > with a space.

grep "#FF3200" -C 1 hex.txt  | awk '{ print $3 }' | awk '!NF{$0=">"}1' | xargs | sed 's/#FF3200 #FF3200 #FF3200 /-/g' | sed 's/#FF3200 /./g' | sed 's/#BC32D8//g' |sed 's/ //g'| sed 's/>/ /g'

Translate the morse

We now have this string ----- ---... To translate it, replace Morse code with corresponding letters. Use sed for this:

sed 's/----- /9/'
sed 's/---.. /8/'

Add a > at the end to facilitate the translation:

Here's the script:

code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.- /A/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.\.\. /B/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.-\. /C/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.\. /D/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\. /E/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.-\. /F/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/--\. /G/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\.\. /H/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\. /I/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.--- /J/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.- /K/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.-\.\. /L/g')
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-- /M/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\. /N/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/--- /O/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.-- /P/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/--\.- /Q/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.-\. /R/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\. /S/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/- /T/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.- /U/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\.- /V/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.-- /W/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.\.- /X/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.-- /Y/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/--\.\. /Z/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.---- /1/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.--- /2/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\.-- /3/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\.\.- /4/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\.\.\. /5/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.\.\. /6/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/--\.\.\. /7/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/---\.\. /8/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/----\. /9/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/----- /0/g') 
code=$(echo $code | sed 's/ >//g') 
echo $code

It's simple but effective. We can make it more concise, but this works. The output will be the password for the zip file. Now, let's put everything together.


In our script, we need to:

I just found a problem, it’s not the same hex value for every flag.png. There is 2 hex value every time, there is more background then foreground. To find the background:

background=$(convert *.png txt:- | awk '{ print $3 }' | grep "#" | head -n 1)
foreground=$(convert *.png txt:- | awk '{ print $3 }' | grep "#" | grep -v $background | head -n 1)

Almost done

Error 1

I have a problem with the morse code, I have to change the position of few sed command.

There is few dots remaining in the password. The error:

.-. . .--.

.-. = R

. = E

. –. = P

but –. = G

I should translate the P before the G.

Error 2

The translation it good.

There is only 2 colors:

Ok got it … I had to change the password to lower case. I will use this:

echo "${a,,}"

Error 3

I’m trying manually.

The password looks good, the problem is somewhere else.

fillin_CFileInfo - internal error - MAX_PATHNAME_LEN

The path is too long. I’ve unziped more than 150 zip files, I should move the zip file every 150 files to be closer to the root directory. I’m not gonna create an another loop, I will just use the current one.

if [ $c == 850 ] || [ $c == 700 ] || [ $c == 550 ] || [ $c == 400 ] || [ $c == 250 ] || [ $c == 100 ];



#Get Morse
##Get colors
for (( c=999; c>=0; c-- ))
	if [ $c == 850 ] || [ $c == 700 ] || [ $c == 550 ] || [ $c == 400 ] || [ $c == 250 ] || [ $c == 100 ]; # To tired to play with regex
		mv flag /home/peanutstick/Documents/CTF/Challenges/HTB/M0rsarchive/flag$c
		cd /home/peanutstick/Documents/CTF/Challenges/HTB/M0rsarchive/flag$c
		cd flag
	b=$(convert *.png txt:- | awk '{ print $3 }' | grep "#" | head -n 1)
	f=$(convert *.png txt:- | awk '{ print $3 }' | grep "#" | grep -v $b | head -n 1)
	#echo "Background: $b"
	#echo "Foreground: $f"
	## Replace the str
	code=$(convert *.png txt:- | grep $f -C 1 | awk '{ print $3 }'| awk '!NF{$0=">"}1' | xargs | sed 's/'$f' '$f' '$f' /-/g' | sed 's/'$f' /./g' | sed 's/'$b'//g' |sed 's/ //g'| sed 's/>/ /g')
	code="${code} >"
	echo $code
	# Translate
	## Group of 4
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.---- /1/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.--- /2/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\.-- /3/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\.\.- /4/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\.\.\. /5/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.\.\.\. /6/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/--\.\.\. /7/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/---\.\. /8/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/----\. /9/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/----- /0/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.\.\. /B/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.-\. /C/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.\.- /X/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.-- /Y/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/--\.\. /Z/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.--\. /P/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/--\.- /Q/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\.- /V/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\.\. /H/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.-\.\. /L/g')
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.--- /J/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.-\. /F/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.\. /D/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/--\. /G/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/--- /O/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.- /U/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.-- /W/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\.\. /S/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.-\. /R/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\.- /K/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.- /A/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\.\. /I/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-- /M/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/-\. /N/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/\. /E/g') 
	code=$(echo $code | sed 's/- /T/g') 
	password=$(echo $code | sed 's/>//g') 
	echo "Unzip flag_$ with $password"
	# Unzip
	7z X flag_$ -P$password -y > /dev/null 2>&1
	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
		password=$(echo ${password,,})
		7z X flag_$ -P$password -y > /dev/null 2>&1
	echo "7z X flag_$ -P$password -y"

This script automates the process of extracting the Morse code, translating it, and unzipping the files iteratively.


Zip file
Get the Hex Value of a PNG
Convert to morse
Translate the morse
Almost done
Error 1
Error 2
Error 3